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Course Outline


Student Information Form

Ms. L's Scavenger Hunt

Now it's your turn!

Make up your own questionnaire.

Notice what you can find about yourself and others on the net.

What does this make you think about what is public and private?


Find Your Niche Research Project:

Due:   October 24th

For this project, you will be creating a PowerPoint, essay or book for future students. 

You will be defining what your area of expertise is, or doing research on what area

you would like to learn more about. 



A minimum of 20 slides or 10 pages

A background of what your area entails, for example - costume design can entail designing costumes, sewing and detailing costumes, altering them for actors or the director, keeping them up and storing and organizing them appropriately after the show.

What kind of careers you could have with the experience of this area

Background history

Some sample designs

Detailed directions for creating one of those designs 

How to work equipment needed to do the job

Safety Issues and Considerations


Set and Costume Drawing One:

Due date: October 10th

For this assignment, you will be working in class to create one perspective drawing

and one full person in costume, in proper proportions. 

You may take this home to add details, but for those entering the class for the first time, you will only need to create one pencil drawing each. 

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