This is your first photo study to show your understanding of Depth of Field.
Today we are going to go outside as a group and shoot. You are going to take a photo that has a small depth of field (less in focus or small f-stop number) and a large depth of field (more in focus or large f-stop number). You will use changes to your f-stops or the aperture to show your understanding, as well as shutter speed, to compensate for the change in light as you change f-stops.
Remember to consider center of interest and storytelling.
First - Who or what is the most important part of the image and how can you highlight that? Is it the leaf or the dewdrops on the leaf? The boots or the railroad tracks? The height of the trees or the texture and age of the trees? What is the center of interest? Your main subject? You need to highlight this.
Second - What is the mood of this photo going to be? What are you telling the viewer about this tree, leaf, shoe, person, etc.? What story can you tell? Is it full of life and joyful? Alone in the world? Beautiful and sweet? Useful? Patient and waiting? Kind? Happy?
Those of you who have been in class before, or who are more advanced, will be expected to add one element of Art and one principal of Design of your choice, to each photo.
This will also be the first photo that you title. Think about the message of your main subject. Your title can enhance that idea or detract from it. For instance, does 'Boardwalk' tell us about the photo and what the message is? And how differently would 'Bored Walk' as a title work for the image? Is 'Red Leaf' a good title? Or would 'Part of the Greater Whole' or 'The Color of Change' tell us more about the leaf and it's story? What other titles could you come up with that might tell us more about the story? Think about the boots on the train tracks. Would 'Boots on a Track' be a good title? What about 'These Boots Were Made for Walking?' What additional feeling or message can we get from a good title?
Your assignment:
You will need to submit 3 photos:
One with a low depth of field f2 to f5.6
One with a medium depth of field f5.6 to f11
One with a high depth of field f16 to f32
Remember to title all 3
All 3 need to have at least 2 elements of art or principles of design incorporated into the work purposefully.
You will need to hand in your reflection with your photographs.

DOF Photo Assignment:
Your Rubric and Hand-in Sheet:

Take a look at the following photographs. Why would the photographer have chosen the aperture they did? What is the difference in the story and feeling of the different apertures?