Leading Lines Assignment
The goal of this assignment is to learn how to direct the viewer to your subject using leading lines.
Choose a subject. Then look around for lines in the scene that you can use to 'lead' the viewer to the subject.
Find an interesting line, then determine what the subject of your photograph is. -
Remember that lines can be man-made or natural. For instance, the yellow line down the middle of the road or a tree branch. Even a person's arm can be a leading line to their face.
Use this assignment as an excuse to take an afternoon photo excursion. Walk downtown or in the woods and look around you for interesting lines that lead the eye to a subject. There is an amazing assortment of lines out there in the world and once you begin to see them, you won't be able to stop.
Questions/Reflections to answer for each portrait:
What would you do differently if you were to do it again? What was a success or happy accident? How can you use this thoughtfully in future work?
Remember to use your understanding of Depth of Field to enhance your portrait.
Make sure at least one portrait has a small depth of field (less in focus or small f-stop number) and one with a large depth of field (more in focus or larger f-stop number).
Remember to consider center of interest and storytelling.