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Why Photography? 

What is Art?  Is Photography an Art Form?

Why and how do images influence you?

Why and how has Photography influenced the world?

What careers use Photography in their technology?

What is your favorite type of Photography?

Write in your journals, the answers, as you understand them. 

Photographic Analysis:


Let's start analyzing your image!

Look deeply at the picture for a good long time. Observe shapes, colors, textures, the position of people and/or objects, etc.  Look for any elements of art and/or principles of design.

Write down what you see without making any interpretation about what the picture is trying to say.


What questions do you have about this picture that you would need to have answered before you can begin to interpret it?  Ask as many questions as you have.

Discuss your questions with two other students in the class to try to find some answers.

Given the historical context and subject of the piece, what do you think the artist is trying to say (what does the piece mean), and who do you think is the intended audience?

Once you are done, you will discuss your interpretation with the class, and be prepared to support your view by referring to specific elements of the image and what you know about the history of the time.

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